Potty Break (15 mins) $25
A quick visit for a short walk or yard time, and of course Kisses and Cuddles.
*Also perfect for shy kitties who just need Fresh Food & Water, and a Clean Litter Box.
A Good Ole Walk (30 mins) $35
A nice walk to Stretch, Scratch, and Sniff.
Trail Exploration (60 mins) $55
A Leisurely stroll. No rush… Sniff and Pee on all the areas your pup’s heart desires.
Yard Cleaning $25*
Big Cookout or Backyard Event coming up?
I will scoop the poop so you don’t have to :)
Medication Administration $20*
Any and Everything your veterinarian prescribes.
Nail Trimming $36
Complete Nail Trimming of all 4 paws
Nail Grinding $45
A smoother alternative to Nail Trimming
Ear Cleaning $30
Either Veterinarian Recommended or for Healthy Maintenance. Ear Hair Removal if needed is included.
Anal Gland Expression $30
Is your dog scooting, licking, or extra stinky? I can help with that.
Pretty Paws Application $36
Soft Nail Caps for Cat Claws. Guarenteed to last for up to 4 weeks.
Sanitary Clip $35
Clipping of the Fur around Eyes, Paws, and Genitals. Discounted when added with any Bath Service.
Bath $40
From Nose to Tail and down to the paws. A nice rub a dub scrub with a gentle soap-free shampoo. Brush out included.
Medicated Bath $55
Did your veterinarian give you special shampoo and bathing instructions while your pup is healing from skin issues? This bath is for you.
Pampered Pet $100
Includes Bath, Ear Cleaning, Nail Trim, Tooth Brushing, and External Anal Gland Expression.
Transportation $Varies
It’s Like an Uber or School Bus for your Fur Baby
Pet Sitting For Real *Customizable
Includes Potty Break and A Good Ole Walk
15 minutes of One on One Playtime, Kisses, and Cuddles. (30 minutes for Cats)
Lite Cleaning / Plant Watering / Fish Feeding / Bringing in Mail and Packages
A Bath (or Waterless Shampoo and Bush Out for Cats) the day before your arrival home.
In Home Boarding $60/night
Boarding in my home so your baby is never alone. Plenty of outside time and able to walk freely in the house at all times.
Must be under 35 pounds
Males must be neutered
A Little Naughty Fee: You know if your fur baby is slightly stubborn or misunderstood… $15